Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

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My Doppelgänger
Posted 10/28/10


Some coworkers of mine sent me this photo a couple days back and I instantly did a double take. The title of the email was "Looks like you showed up for our casting call". I was confused. It looked like someone had taken a photo of me and messed around with it to make me look, well, different. The jaw size and the eye color are the biggest oddities for me. Other than that, this photo really trips me out!

Apparently, this is an actual guy that did, in fact, show up for one of my company's casting calls for a commercial we are shooting. Holy doppelgänger, Batman! For those of you that know me well, this guy looks feakishly like me.

This kind of experience has only happened to me once before when I was in high school. This random guy started showing up at my church and he looked EXACTLY like me. My friends were even going up and hugging this guy thinking it was me from time to time. It was creepy... as is this.

Do you have a doppelgänger?

Do you watch How I Met Your Mother and know the reference?

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