Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

Welcome to Infected Media, the portfolio site of Steven Seybold, Art Director and Designer.


Ok, so I think that the iPad has a lot of possibilities but still seems kinda silly as a purchase for me. I've never thought that I even wanted one. Sure, if someone gave me one, I'd be more than happy to receive it and fully embrace it. To shell out several hundreds of dollars for it when I have laptops all over the place seems silly to me though... until I saw this post.

HOLY CRAP! I want one so bad I can taste it. Paired with an iCade where I could play classic old arcade games? YES! Oh boy, oh boy!

iPad & iCade FTW!

P.S. Did anyone watch Modern Family last night where Phil was begging for an iPad for his birthday? If not, find it Apple fans. I was dying of laughter.

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Awesome, I've been had. Just an April Fools day prank. LAME! It really should be a product. SERIOUSLY! 1 star for lameness!

Someone really should build that. So tight.

FYI, I found a clip from Modern Family regarding the iPad. Hilarious!

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